EWRC_Achieving Climate Neutral Cities through the Regeneration of Historic Urban Areas
Unlocking climate neutrality through urban regeneration
Join us on October 12th during the European Week of Regions and Cities from 9.30 to 11.00 for the session Achieving Climate Neutral Cities through the Regeneration of Historic Urban Areas. Discover how culture-led urban renewal can become a climate action asset, and how cities can harness their heritage for circular practices. Explore systemic policies for collective engagement in climate neutrality.
This event, co-organized with the European Research Executive Agency and DG-RTD, includes insights from Milan, Dortmund, and Lisbon, as well as a presentation of a new policy report from Horizon-funded projects HUB-IN, CENTRINNO and T-Factor.
Have a look at the agenda and read more on the speakers below.
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Wiebke Pankauke – Deputy head of unit, European Commission – DG RTD
Wiebke is deputy Head of Unit for Future Urban and Mobility Systems in the European Commission’s department for research and innovation (DG RTD). She coordinates the Commission’s team working on the EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities.
Arnoldas Milukas – Head of Unit B3- “Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Environment” European Research Executive Agency (REA)
Since April 2021, Mr Milukas is leading Unit B.3 “Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Environment” at REA. The unit implements, on behalf of the European Commission, part of Horizon Europe Cluster 6, in particular “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment”, mainly under Destination 1 “Biodiversity and ecosystems”, Destination 3 “Circular economy and bioeconomy”, and Destination 4 “Clean environment and zero pollution”.
In addition, the unit manages, on behalf of European Commission, the majority of Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials”, a part of Societal Challenge 2 “Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the Bioeconomy” and parts of the H2020 Work Programme related to various Cross-Cutting issues.
From January 2014 to April 2021, Arnoldas Milukas was leading Unit B.2 “H2020 Environment and Resources” at the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), which main task was implementation of the Horizon 2020’s Societal Challenge 5. The unit was also collaborating with other relevant parts of the Horizon 2020 and LIFE programmes, as well as provides the European Commission with input and support for its policy making to underpin sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Europe.
Before that period, Mr Milukas was seconded to EASME from DG Research and Innovation (DG R&I), where – since 2005 – he worked as an official of the EU. He started as a Head of Unit responsible for Strategy and Policy in the Transport Directorate, and five years later, he became Head of Unit for Management of Natural Resources in the Environment Directorate.
Emanuela De Menna – Project Adviser, European Research Executive Agency
Project Adviser at REA – the European Research Executive Agency established by the European Commission – where I currently manage a portfolio of EU R&I projects on environment, cities and transformative change for biodiversity. Previously I was Policy Officer in DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission, in charge of various files related to cultural heritage R&I policy agenda and the link between culture and nature-based solutions. Urban planner by training, with a Ph.D. in Economics, I was researcher and adjunct professor at the University of Ferrara (IT) on urban and regional policies and consultant for local governments on sustainable development in Europe, Latin America and Palestine.
Pietro L. Verga PhD – CENTRINNO Project Manager, Municipality of Milan
Pietro L. Verga is an international expert and advisor in sustainable urban development with nearly two decades of experience in researching and working on a range of innovative, place-based policies and strategies. Pietro supported different European Municipalities in the design, management, and/or coordination of European Projects and strategies focusing on community-led and participatory approaches, nature-based solutions, circular economy principles, and social innovation. As an independent consultant to the Municipality of Milan, Pietro is leading the coordination of the H2020 CENTRINNO project.
Vera Gregorio – Project manager, Lisboa E-Nova
Vera Gregório is a Geographer dedicated to urban sustainability . She is currently the Coordinator of HUB-IN – Hubs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Transformation of Historic Urban Areas (Horizon 2020 Program) and works for Lisboa E-Nova – energy and environment agency. Her professional activity, for more than two decades, has been developed in the field of urban sustainability, geographic information systems and climate change.
Besnik Mehmeti – Project manager, The Association of Municipalities of Tuscany
Besnik Mehmeti has a distinguished expertise and a winning track of records in securing and managing EU funded projects related to urban issues. He provides strategic advisory and funding opportunities to local and regional administrators, communities and businesses in relation to European programmes and calls for proposals. His core areas are the promotion of innovation, technological development, entrepreneurship, creative and cultural industries, urban regeneration.
Serena Pelagallo – CENTRINNO Pilot Project Officer, Municipality of Milan
Serena Pelagallo is an expert in planning and management of research and intervention projects on local economic development, environment, labour market and social innovation. More recently she has been supporting public policies to spread new models of value creation accelerating the transition to circular economy and supporting proximity and social economy ecosystems. Serena has a wide expertise in the coordination of EU funding Programmes and projects and proven ability to manage teams, animate and facilitate local processes and dialogue on policies/alliances/partnerships with local, regional and national bodies and associations.
Patricia Olbert – Economic Development Agency of the City of Dortmund
Patricia Olbert is heading the project work group DoZirkulär2030, a project at the Economic Development Agency of the Citiy of Dortmund. The projects aim is to support the transformation of Dortmund`s economy from a linear to a circular economy under consideration of the common good. Patricia has a background in Spatial Planning from the TU Dortmund and Management Studies from the Dublin Business School.
Yasemin Soran – Economic Development Agency of the City of Dortmund
Yasemin Soran is a political scientist specialised in European Affairs. At the Economic Development Agency of the City of Dortmund, she is managing EU funding opportunities for projects of the Agency. Analysing open calls for proposals and bridging with relevant colleagues, finding adequate funding openings for project ideas and liaising with potential project partners are part of her core activities.
Pedro Oliveira – Head of unit, Municipality of Lisbon
Pedro Oliveira is graduated in Environmental Engineering , at NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA. In the same institution, he developed the activity of a research fellow in a European project in the area of environmental economics. He began his professional activity at the Lisbon City Council in 2002, where he worked in the area of environmental control, more specifically in the areas of Air Quality and Noise. He is part of a team that developed the Lisbon Noise Action Plan.He is part of the CML Acoustic Testing Laboratory, where he acts as a substitute for the Technical Coordinator. Since 2020, he has been representing the city of Lisbon in the C40 network in the area of Air Quality and in the Eurocities network in the Noise and Air Quality Working Groups. Since april 2022 joined Lisbon team: Mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 and is now preparing the Climate City Contract Lisbon 2030. Since february 2023 he is the Head of Division of Environment and Energy at the Municipality of Lisbon.
Francesco Leoni – Politecnico di Milano
Francesco Leoni (PhD) is a research fellow for the Department of Design in Politecnico di Milano, where he works as part of the Design Policy Lab and Polifactory. He worked on several research projects and innovative actions with European Institutions, the Italian local government, private sector companies and charitable organisations. His research and writing cross the fields of “design for policy”, “data for policy” and policy innovation.