Credits: Paola Leoni
At ascoltoprogettocaruggi@comune.genova.it the people of Genoa can send ideas, proposals and projects on the historic centre.
Pursuing the objectives of HUB-IN Genoa’s municipality activated the email ascoltoprogettocaruggi@comune.genova.it to collect project proposals, initiatives and ideas from the Genoese on the historic centre, as part of the Caruggi Integrated Plan for the regeneration of the old town.
“The Caruggi Plan – explains Paola Bordilli, Councillor for the Historic Centre – is a project open to the ideas and proposals of all the people of Genoa: those who love the historic centre, those who live there and those who work there. In recent months, we have launched Integrated Plan interventions to improve the quality of life and make the historic centre more attractive, launching, among other things, shared administration initiatives such as the 9 small squares in the Prè and Ghetto areas and the regeneration plan for the Molo district with the involvement of 54 associations in the area. The new email dedicated to the historic centre aims to be a direct channel of communication dedicated to the caruggi with a view to increasing collaboration and synergy between the public administration and private entities, associations and individual citizens”.
“The involvement of the territory is an important opportunity to enrich the Caruggi Plan – explains the President of the Municipality I Centro Est Andrea Carratù – as municipal administration and municipality we are working to enhance the caruggi and make them a place for families and healthy businesses. We are creating more and more tools to facilitate the proposals that come from the citizens and that will be useful to better calibrate the interventions on the real needs of the citizens who will be able to give a concrete contribution in the implementation of the programmes on the future of the historic centre”.
On the basis also of the proposals received, the Urban Regeneration Department-Urban Center, the Genoa City Council’s Department for the Historic Centre and the City Hall intend to schedule meetings and open exchanges with the citizens to discuss the Plan’s guidelines.
Read the original article here (in Italian only)