
June 23, 2023

GrandAngoulême’s HUB-IN Action Plan

GrandAngoulême’s Hub of Innovation is named “Caravane Creative Lab”. It aims to create a link between the cultural and creative industries and the territory. The Hub […]
June 19, 2023

Brașov’s HUB-IN Action Plan

Brașov’s  HUB of innovation will be an inclusive and vibrant place that promotes cultural exchange, learning and collaboration. It will focus on highlighting tangible and intangible heritage […]
June 7, 2023

Slovenska Bistrica’s HUB-IN: Adapted Monitoring Methodology

The Adapted Monitoring Methodology for each Pilot City document proposes the methodology for understanding and improving the benefits of Slovenska Bistrica’s Hub over time. It sets […]
June 7, 2023

Nicosia’s HUB-IN: Adapted Monitoring Methodology

The Adapted Monitoring Methodology for each Pilot City document proposes the methodology for understanding and improving the benefits of Nicosia’s Hub over time. It sets out […]
June 7, 2023

Lisbon’s HUB-IN: Adapted Monitoring Methodology

The Adapted Monitoring Methodology for each Pilot City document proposes the methodology for understanding and improving the benefits of Lisbon’s Hub over time. It sets out […]
June 7, 2023

Grand Angoulême’s HUB-IN: Adapted Monitoring Methodology

The Adapted Monitoring Methodology for each Pilot City document proposes the methodology for understanding and improving the benefits of Grand Angoulême’s Hub over time. It sets […]
June 7, 2023

Genova’s HUB-IN: Adapted Monitoring Methodology

The Adapted Monitoring Methodology for each Pilot City document proposes the methodology for understanding and improving the benefits of Genova’s Hub over time. It sets out […]
June 7, 2023

Brașov’s HUB-IN: Adapted Monitoring Methodology

The Adapted Monitoring Methodology for each Pilot City document proposes the methodology for understanding and improving the benefits of Brașov’s Hub over time. It sets out […]
June 7, 2023

Belfast’s HUB-IN: Adapted Monitoring Methodology

The Adapted Monitoring Methodology for each Pilot City document proposes the methodology for understanding and improving the benefits of Belfast’s Hub over time. It sets out […]
May 28, 2023

HUB-IN Match & Ignite programme

Learn more about a range of suggested activities, practical tips and resources for cities’ teams to accelerate innovation around their local HUB!