On September 30th, we kicked off our project with a public webinar on the topic of transformation of Historic Urban Area (HUA) through the creation of Hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship. This day-long event saw the participation of policy makers, municipalities, projects and other organisations from all over Europe.

The first part of the webinar aimed at inspiring the participants. Representatives of the European Commission an overview of the European framework, initiatives and relevant projects in the field of cultural heritage and urban regeneration that can serve as a basis and reference for HUB-IN project team. HUB-IN sister projects CENTRINNO and T-Factor were also introduced.
The second session was dedicated to learning and sharing. Participants could present themselves, and explain what brought them to the event, why they were interested in HUB-IN, what they hoped to learn from it or what they would like to project to achieve. It was followed by a presentation from the HUB-IN team to clarify the project’s framework, activities and goals for the following years.
During the last part of the workshop, we focused on building connections. Prof. Antonio Camara from Lisbon Nova University gave a keynote about innovation in city centres, setting the tone for the last session during which participants were invited to work in groups and answer some general questions, such us how to promote regeneration of Historic Urban Areas using innovation, sustainability and creativity as main catalyst or what skills and knowledge they could offer to contribute to the success of the project. The webinar ended with a collective exercise, to create a collective vision for HUB-IN.
In case you missed the kick off, we invite you to have a look at the videos below!